

Our offer to companies looking to enter high growth and emerging markets globally includes:

International Business Development and Market Entry strategies

Qualified business opportunities and help for clients to build sales pipelines

Business Intelligence

Business modelling and feasibility reports

Strategies for forming Joint Ventures and Consortia building

Identification and management of Business Risks

Assistance in identifying and vetting Local partners

Introduction and utilisation of Saudi British Economic Offset program

Our offer to emerging markets companies wishing to develop projects locally or internationally includes:

Business modelling and feasibility reports

Suitable technology evaluation and licensing

Bringing project to a bankable stage

Introduction to funding sources

Local project management

Our offer to developing countries companies wishing to increase business efficiency and productivity:

Organisation of inhouse bespoke workshop and seminars

New technology evaluation, licensing and implementation

Business approach

We have built our reputation for delivering the right results to our international clients. It works both ways. If you are a western company looking to enter new emerging markets or want to know about business opportunities in high growth markets, we and our partners have the expertise, experience and global business networks to help you succeed.

Or, if you are based in an emerging market country and looking to develop a new or modernise existing business we can help you too. Once your project meets our business sustainability and business viability criteria, we become part of the project and bring our expertise to reach a bankable stage. We then introduce it to number of funding sources through our vast international network.




158 Buckingham Palace Road



Tel: +44 207 55 888 74


Get in touch


Transinvest Europe is a UK based project development and facilitator company of sustainable international business. The company operates in commercial markets and works in a number of sectors. Transinvest helps its clients to develop sustainable business in new markets in Middle-East, FSU and BRICS countries, Eastern Europe and  Africa.

Our focus is conventional and renewable energy, material extraction and new environmentally friendly material manufacturing, sustainable commodities trading, sustainable infrastructure development, new business approach and risk management.

We help businesses in developing countries to increase its efficiency and productivity by organising workshops and seminars on new technology and best management practice.

Our team has a wide experience in different sectors and has been operating in emerging markets since 1995.

Transinvest has expertise in Saudi Offset and currently has a project under the Offset program.

Case studies

Development of Hydro Power Complex comprised of 2 hydro power plants with a capacity respectively of 24 and 6 MWin the southern area of Albania.

Planning and realization of the most excellent and technically sound state-of-the-art photovoltaic power plants in Southern Italy.

Project development for construction and operation of waste management facility in Novosibirsk, Russia. The WMP processes MSW, industrial waste and clinical waste. The plant consists of two modules, one – based on a project of Novosibirsk State Design and Research Institute VNIPIET of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Science and the other – designed, manufactured and commissioned by UK company with a 40 years’ experience, Beverley Environmental Engineering. One of the output of the plant is production of thermal/electrical energy.

Project development for construction of a number of mini oil refineries (up to 20,000 BPD capacity) in Nigeria that employs the most progressive technologies of deep crude oil processing, designing Mini Refineries for production of environmentally friendly Motor Fuels (Petrol and Diesel, matching strict requirements of Euro-3&4 standards) and high-quality bitumen suitable for roads construction. With the Yield of light oil products around 90%, this Mini Refinery outperforms the industry standards.

Developing assets to be delivering resource & renewable energy management and disposal services in the Royal Commission areas of Jubail in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Developing biomass sales operation for large Russian timber processing company.

Setting upContinuous Basalt Fibre manufacturing facilities in KSA under Saudi Economic Offset Program. 

Setting up worldwide distributorship for nano-technology based portable water filtration system.

Developing various energy and agriculture projects in Kazakhstan.